Koi Metaverse — Bi-Weekly Update 4/11 to 4/22
Hi there, Koi School 🐙
Welcome back to Koi Metaverse and another edition of our Bi-Weekly Update.
The team finally got to enjoy some relaxation from last month’s craziness. If you haven’t checked it out, please 👇
In the past two weeks, most of our time and energy were invested in our official Game Launch and Marketplace Testing & the Tester NFTs campaign, with our continuous efforts to build partnerships.
More details are below 🐋
KOI Early Supporter NFT Stats
In the past few weeks before our game launch, Koi Metaverse has achieved some amazing results with our Supporter NFT Program. And we are super proud to share them with all of you.
So far, there has been a total of 210,232 whitelist requests and counting. As a result, well over 20,000 NFTs have been claimed.
Or you can view it on Binance Smart Chain itself. Click 👉 HERE
Marketplace Testing & Tester NFTs
On Apr 15, we announced the official start of Koi Metaverse Marketplace testing to invite our communities to try it out and help us debug and improve the current version. We believe only in this way can we move beyond our limitations.
As always, the time and energy of our communities would be greatly appreciated and rewarded.
Our Early Supporter NFTs are the vouchers for future $KOI airdrop. With this campaign, we aim to reward every single one of the Koi Metaverse supporters and we are glad to announce our Supporter NFTs have been well received by more than 20,000 NFT lovers around the world.
🐳 Every NFT claimed is a small contribution to the Koi Metaverse and a sign of our expanding ecosystem.
KOI Partnerships
Once again, the Koi Metaverse ecosystem gets expanded. We cannot stress this enough: building a true metaverse is more than grinding on your own. It is more about connecting with other people and projects to form a space where different people can connect, exchange ideas and build a common world. And that is why we strive for as many partnerships as possible.
With tofuNFT
With iMe
Twitter Space Talk
Spaces is a new way to have live audio conversations on Twitter and in crypto. Anetta Sultygova, CEO of Koi Metaverse, joined in MetaTalks to discuss Business in the Metaverse.
About Koi Metaverse
Koi Aims to Unlock the Next-Gen GameFi Metaverse Economies by Building the Digital Collectibles Platform for Virtual GameFi NFTs on Multichains.
Koi is a next-generation infrastructure for issuing, trading, and liquifying GameFi NFTs from different chains like Ethereum, BSC and so on. It is aimed at building a Metaverse dedicated for GameFi NFT assets.
Contact Koi Metaverse
📄 Website: https://www.koi.io/
👍 Twitter: https://twitter.com/KoiMetaverse
🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/koi
✈️ Telegram: https://t.me/KoiMetaverse
📗 Medium: https://medium.com/@KoiMetaverse
💻 Github: https://github.com/KoiMetaverse
🔗 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/koi-metaverse
📧 Email: info@koi.io